(Maa Asawara Shikshan Sansthan College of Nursing)
Recognized by I.N.C., R.N.C., Govt. of Rajasthan & Affiliated With Rajasthan University of Health Science, Jaipur.
Rajiv Gandhi Education Centre
  • About Mass College of Nursing!
  • From the Principal’s Desk
  • Philosophy
  • Mission & Vision
  • Affiliation
  • Why only MASS College of Nursing

About Mass College of Nursing!

The College is pioneer institute in the field of nursing education offering B.Sc. Nursing and Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing programme. It is managed by professional under “Maa Asawara Sikshan Sansthan” a registered society (Reg.No.78/UDR/2004-05) working in the field of education more then 12 years. The MASS College of Nursing was established in 2006. B.Sc. Nursing and Post Basic B.Sc Nursing programme was formulated to train generation as professional nurses for meeting health needs of the country. The college has been recognized by Indian Nursing Council, New Delhi, Rajasthan Nursing Council Jaipur, Government of Rajasthan, Jaipur and affiliated to Rajasthan University of Health Science, Jaipur.

The college has not only gained academic excellence but is also proud of producing skilled, committed, conscientious, and confident nursing graduates. The students carry out various activities like health awareness camps for the social welfare of people living in rural areas and urban slums.

All the nursing educational programs here are organized very carefully to provide broad and in depth knowledge and skills to the students to enable them to function effectively in varied nursing situations where after graduation they may need to function. Various workshops, conferences, seminars and panel discussions are conducted regularly to help upgrade knowledge and skills that are essential to keep pace with the advancement in technology and ever changing trends in the health care system. The students conduct research projects in areas that would help to improve patient care and refresh and enrich nursing knowledge.

From the Principal’s Desk

“When you meet someone better than yourself,
Turn your thoughts to becoming his equal.
When you meet someone not as good as you are,
Look within and examine your own self.”
Nursing is a career that is both challenging as well as rewarding. The goal of MASS College of nursing is to prepare the students to meet the exciting challenges of professional nursing. Our nursing curriculum is dynamic reflecting the need of our changing health care system. Nursing students undergo an intensive training for taking care of patients. Almost every patient has a heightened emotional element in the illness. Much unpleasantness and emotional outburst of a patient or his relative can be eliminated or controlled by emotionally balanced nurses.

Once selected the students become part of the MASS family where all their physical, emotional and academic needs are carefully met in order to nurture them holistically. In students, we recognize the uniqueness and diversity of each person. They are respected, protected and also given opportunities for self determination and self-expression with confidence and dignity.

The college is fully equipped to provide students experience from practicing basic assessment skills to managing patients with complex critical care need utilizing simulation experiences. Student would experience individualized attention and have the opportunity to plan a professional nursing career in a wide variety of ideas. I assure that the students will find that the college of nursing is just the right place to create their future. Our students are placed in reputed health care and educational institutions, enjoying successful careers in nursing. Feedback from them gives us tremendous satisfaction.


We realize that education is fundamental for the complete development of individuals. As a premier teaching institute, we endeavor to harness this inherent potential through meeting the growing needs of higher education. Our primary purpose is to have an intellectual development of the individual through maintenance of highest standards of academic excellence and educational growth. From this tradition of the college drives its dedication to the education of men and women in professional studies. College believes that degree course in nursing prepares nurses for first level position both in the hospital and in the community.


“Provide advancement in nursing profession through trainers and trainee in nursing and supporting disciplines to improve the people’s quality of life.”
Global leadership in human development, excellence in education and healthcare.
  • Integrity
  • Transparency
  • Quality
  • Team Work
  • Execution with passion
  • Humane touch
Anti-Ragging policy
Ragging is strictly prohibited in the college campus as well as in the hostel. Both junior and senior students are required to maintain cordial relationship with each other and a disciplined atmosphere in the college campus. If any incident of ragging comes to the notice of the authority, candidates will be expelled from the institution.


College is recognized by Indian Nursing Council, New Delhi, Rajasthan Nursing Council Jaipur, Government of Rajasthan and affiliated with Rajasthan University of Health Sciences, Jaipur.

Why only MASS College of Nursing

  • Striving for excellence is the hallmark of MASS College of Nursing.
  • Confidence and skill is the second name of MASS College of Nursing.
  • Since 7 years it is dedicated to the service of mankind.
  • World class service, respectful behavior and cordial relation are the hallmark of MASS College of Nursing.
  • Always trying and improving our services with your co-operation and suggestion.
  • Run by Society (No business)
  • Guidance and counselling programmes are conducted regularly for the students.
  • All Our batches of passed out Students are placed in renowned institutions.
  • Developing Confidence, Skill & altitude is the Aim of Mass College of Nursing.